Tag Archives: Lectionary

Are We Part of the Oppression?

OK, let’s cut to the chase. This week’s lections have two readings that present an easy-peasy contrast: Isaiah 58 and Luke 13. The Isaiah passage addresses religious people who act out the stage play of their religion (holding fasts), but … Continue reading

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Can We Get a Grown-Up View of Faith?

(A Lection Reflection on Hebrews 11) Years ago, I read a book that immediately went onto my “key books” bookshelf: Good to Great by Jim Collins. The author and his team of researchers looked at pairs of companies in the … Continue reading

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Are You Wealthy Toward God?

(a Lection Reflection on Luke 12: 13-21) There’s an old joke about sermon writing that references “three points and a poem.” If you’re working on a sermon, I don’t have a poem for you — although there are some on … Continue reading

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Amos 8, the Headlines, the System, and Us

 (A Lection Reflection on Amos 8, Psalm 15, and Psalm 52) Have you read this week’s lections yet? No? OK, then — here is the link to the online lectionary provided by the Vanderbilt Divinity Library. Be sure to read … Continue reading

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Are You That Guy?

I love reading spy thrillers. I like following all the plots and characters, I like the suspense, I like the twists and turns of the story. And, I like a good hero. Why? Because I imagine myself as the hero. … Continue reading

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Is Your Pride Godly?

(A Lection Reflection on Luke 10 and Galatians 6) If you were to plan a sermon on pride in most churches, the thought bubbles above the listeners would look like this: “Pride. Root of the seven deadly sins. God hates … Continue reading

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Asking God to Leave … and to Stay

Let me ask you an obvious question: do you pray in your church services? OK, too easy. Here’s a tougher one: do you expect anything to happen? And here’s the toughest one: what if something happened, and it seemed to … Continue reading

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“A Little Lower than God” — Really?

There is a Bible study group that meets in a coffee shop I frequent. They sit at a long table near an easy chair where I like to relax, drink my coffee, and read the morning paper or write. From … Continue reading

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Pentecost — Who Was There, and Why Do You Care?

Let’s play a game. I’m going to write a phrase, and you take a snapshot of the picture that pops up in your mind when you see it. Ready? OK — just highlight the space after the parens with your … Continue reading

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Tough Verses in John 17

(A Lection Reflection on John 17: 20-22) OK, let’s get something on the table right up front: if you want to go beyond just the devotional, then some passages are hard. They raise issues of Christology and the nature of … Continue reading

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