Donate to brucewriter

This site exists for me to share some of my writing, and I don’t expect to make money from it. However, I do have some ongoing costs, such as hosting, software, insurance, and so on.

So, some people have asked if there is a way for them to donate in order to support my writing and this site. Since this is not a non-profit, you will get no charitable deduction if you make such a donation. However, if you still want to help out, I am providing this page where you can “purchase” some support! The item is titled “Pay What You Want Extra Support,” and it is exactly that: enter the amount you wish to pay to help support the work, then click the Buy Now button. You’ll be whisked off to Paypal, where you can use either a credit card or your Paypal account.

It is gratifying, obviously, to have persons believe in my work enough that they want to do more. If you are one of those persons, use the small form below. And thank you!

Purchase Some “Pay What You Want Extra Support” for brucewriter