Monthly Archives: June 2015

Worship As B-Roll

We had an interesting moment in worship this morning. I was in my usual place, sitting with the choir in the loft, when I looked up and noticed a TV camera crew in the back of the sanctuary. The camera … Continue reading

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What If Gandalf Doesn’t Show?

(a Lection Reflection on Psalm 130 and Mark 5:21-43) There is a scene in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers where Gandalf is leaving Aragorn to go get help. As he mounts up and prepares to leave, he says “Look to my … Continue reading

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This Use of Religious Freedom Is Wrong … and Dangerous

We’re all aware of the recent attempts by many across the country to use “religious freedom” as an argument for various actions. Whether it is denying service to certain people at retail establishments, or refusing to fill prescriptions for contraceptives … Continue reading

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Is Jesus Calling Us To Be Superheroes?

(a Lection Reflection on Mark 4:35-41) I have a guilty habit to share: I enjoy reading adventure novels. Jason Bourne, Dirk Pitt, Jack Ryan — I buy them in paperback, and usually read them in a couple of days. They’re brain … Continue reading

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Of David, twigs, and seeds — a lesson about the Kingdom of God

(A Lection Reflection on 1 Samuel 15:34 – 16:13, Ezekiel 17:22-24, and Mark 4:26-34) I love the Onion. So, when they put out a faux compilation of their work across the 20th century entitled “Our Dumb Century,” I had to have a copy. On … Continue reading

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