Tag Archives: Lectionary

Dry Bones, Dry Drunks, Dry Churches, and Hope — a Pentecost Reflection

(A Lection Reflection on Ezekiel 37: 1-14) This week’s Old Testament lection is one of my favorites. The symbolism is powerful, the message of resurrection even more so. But, in the midst of the word of hope, there is also … Continue reading

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Cynics, Scoffers, Despair, and Me (Psalm 1)

I am, by nature, a Pollyanna. I tend to look on the bright side, to see the good in everyone, to be Up most of the time. On the Enneagram, I am a Seven, which means life to me is … Continue reading

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We’re Only Loved If We Obey? (John 15)

(A Lection Reflection on John 15:9-13) At first glance, this week’s lection looks less like the reassuring Jesus of the Farewell Discourse, and more like the “right strawy epistle” of James. Lots of “ifs” here: IF you keep my commandments, … Continue reading

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I John 3:18 — Act or Career?

“Love in word and deed.” This week’s Lection Reflection looks at that word “deed” – and finds a deeper meaning in the Greek. #lectionary Continue reading

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The Right and The Wrong Way to Deny Yourself

(A Lection Reflection on Mark 8:34) Since forever, humankind has been trying to propitiate an angry god. From sacrificing virgins, to self-flagellation, to whatever gift of obligation we can think up, we keep approaching the spiritual world as something to … Continue reading

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Stop Repenting and Start Changing!

(a Lection Reflection on Mark 1:15) It’s just too easy, really. All I have to do is ask you to tell me the first picture that comes to your mind when I give you a word, and I bet many of … Continue reading

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Lection Reflection: Processing the Transfiguration

This week’s passage is a very familiar one, and has been written and preached about so many times that there is not much for me to add. I will note, though, a couple of things that struck me. Continue reading

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Gluttony — We Don’t Talk About It, But We Still Do It

(A Lection Reflection on I Corinthians 6:12) It’s been a long time since I’ve heard a sermon, or a sermon series, on The Seven Deadly Sins. Perhaps the list and the concept are seen by some as “too Catholic.” Perhaps … Continue reading

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Seeing Others As Zeros (Luke 18:9)

Years ago, there was a certain band-director who was known for building a winning program, no matter what it took. One tactic he used was to take coat hangers and shape them into a circle, with the hangar part made … Continue reading

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Stop Being So Damn Needy!

(a Lection Reflection on Luke 14) There’s a great scene in Stephen King’s memoir On Writing where he describes an incident between himself and his wife Tabitha, who is also an accomplished author in her own right. They were taking … Continue reading

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